Oasis collection
Welcome to DSL Oasis collection
All paintings listed are available in custom sizes
They come on a solid 3" inner stretcher frame.
Fill in the contact form at the bottom of the page noting the picture code with any enquiries.
For a free consultation call
852 9613 2703
Prices are listed at the bottom of the page
Please note the shopping cart feature is not currently available
All paintings listed are available in custom sizes
They come on a solid 3" inner stretcher frame.
Fill in the contact form at the bottom of the page noting the picture code with any enquiries.
For a free consultation call
852 9613 2703
Prices are listed at the bottom of the page
Please note the shopping cart feature is not currently available
Price includes home delivery on a 3" inner stretcher frame.
All Painting are availble in custom sizes.
Size in CM Price in HKD
60 x 60 $850HKD
60 x 90 $980HKD
80 x 80 $1,100HKD
100 x 100 $1,200HKD
90 x 120 $1,400HKD
100 x 150 $1,700HKD
120 x 180 $2,100HKD
Rural locations may be charged additional shipping fee's
All Painting are availble in custom sizes.
Size in CM Price in HKD
60 x 60 $850HKD
60 x 90 $980HKD
80 x 80 $1,100HKD
100 x 100 $1,200HKD
90 x 120 $1,400HKD
100 x 150 $1,700HKD
120 x 180 $2,100HKD
Rural locations may be charged additional shipping fee's